Button It Up - for Project QUILTING 16.6

Project QUILTING 16.6 - BUTTON IT UP challenge arrived at the same time as my new jean jacket. An embellished project had been rattling around in my mind for a bit. Time to make it happen.

A huge thank you to Kim Lapacek of Persimon Dreams and Trisha Frankland of Quilt Chicken for sponsoring Project QUILTING each season. Their challenge nudged me to get it done.


The jean jacket and TONS of embellishments are a perfect fit! My collection of vintage lace, hand dyed cheesecloth, buttons, specialty yarns and threads will blend nicely with denim. A few left over fabric dyes in spray bottles have been called into service as well.


Auditioning some possible appliqué fabrics for the jean jacket. Hand stitching is not my thing but this will require a bit as most of these buttons are too small to stitch on with the sewing machine.


Here are some views of applique work happening on the back of the jacket. Vintage doilies can be machine stitched down but other details require a bit of hand stitching.

A bit of bling for the jacket front.

This step is adding to the jean jacket's collar with couched Wonderfil Specialty Thread along with an appliqued bit of vintage cotton lace. It's all topped with an itty bitty pink flower shaped button. These details are to tie the moderate appliqued embellishments to the more abundant work on the back.


This is just a itty bit of my fiber art ‘stash’. It’s those things we accummulate, hoard, purchase, scavenge, and inherit. We hold them dear for the PERFECT project to wander along. Items pictured here are from my great aunt’s button box, purchases made in stores, estate sales or online, items gifted from those who ‘thought I could use it"‘. Many of my fibers are from our local non profit Fiber Shed where you barter your excess goodies or others. Is your stash too large when friends come to shop in your studio rather than the fabric store?

THE Finish

Here’s the second “finished version. Is art work ever really finished? See below for a couple more changes.

The first finished version was missing these two elements.

The top right applique appeared too large for smaller embellishment. The button and blue portion was removed, the pink and blue fiber was added then the button and blue was reattached.

The hand dyed cheesecloth and vintage doily extended the design area just a bit. This was done to lead the eye upward.

Published by Sally Manke, Fiber Artist

Sally Manke's mission is to delight others with textile art that exemplifies her passion for joyful, creative expression through color and texture. She is a speaker, teacher, pattern designer, and fiber artist. Contact her to book a workshop or trunk show at this link. Visit her Etsy Shop at www.sallymanke.etsy

Sally is a brand Ambassador for BERNINA USA. All stitching on this project was completed on a BERNINA 790 PLUS.